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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Time is linear. Time is motion. Time is a twisted mistress. Time is a loving embrace. It has been almost a year since my first erstwhile post. Time has flown as they say. Approaching the Golden year of life is both exhilarating and confusing. Exhilarating in I'm still here. Confusing in, I'm still here. Better humans have moved on in the last 5 decades. Accumulation of knowledge seems to stem the tide of the passage of time, as if somehow i can keep the grim reaper at arms length as I consume tidbits of information. Maybe a fallacy of this generation, or just a given fact of life as information flows to us in such a torrent we cannot grasp it all. All in all it is a pleasant state of being to be ALIVE! We are not promised anything in this journey we call life. We can only struggle to gain knowledge and to understand we know NOTHING.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Ok, so now that the winter has lost its grip, its time to see the spring for what it is: new life.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend Blues

Winter is loosing its icy grip and spring is slipping in unannounced here in the northwest. Not exactly sure what is going to be written here and if it will even be interesting. Some may scoff at my grammar and some may scoff at my diction but there is no place for hyperbole here. Reality comes close to fiction and passes it on many occasion, but reality is the thread of life and cannot be caged by fiction. My mind whirls fiction out in mass doses that can create roadblocks in the reality I face on a day to day basis. This blog may be a vent or outpouring of self to stem the tide of fiction and to be better rooted in reality.